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Lesson 9 - Time and Daily Routines

Stage Time Teacher Activities/Description Materials
1. 5 min Engage/ Warm-up Recap of directions lesson
-blindfold Students
-class gives directions
2. 5 min Recap Time: 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, etc. whiteboard, markers, (optional: model clock)
3. 5 min Recap Half past 1, half past 2 etc. whiteboard, markers, (optional: model clock)
4. 10 min Engage Draw a clock face (BIG) on the board.
-Count the min on the clock
*5 minutes past, 10 minutes past etc.
-Demonstrate minutes past
Count the min on the clock
*5 minutes to, 10 minutes to 1 minutes 5 etc.
-Demonstrate minutes to
whiteboard, markers, (optional: model clock)
5. 5 min Study Drill clock times at random individually  
6. 15 min Activation Race game!
- Divide class into two teams
- Two Ss out the front
- Teacher says a time and Ss race to draw it
- Give points to winning team
- Get Ss to call out times
whiteboard, markers
7. 10 min Engage Elicit about the theme: Activities: Wake up, Shower, Get dressed, Eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch, study, go home, do homework, eat dinner, go to bed. Appendix 30 - Daily Routines Flashcards Opens an Adobe PDF in a New Window
8. 10 min Engage/ Study Demonstrate with two Ss – give out pictures of daily routines. Tell your partner to: get up, have a shower, etc. Appendix 30 - Daily Routines Flashcards
9. 10 min Activation Put moons, sunrises, sunsets, and suns in the right place on timeline. Nominate students to put on board. whiteboard, markers
10. 10 min Activation Race game! Divide class into teams of pairs. Students Put moons, sunrises, sunsets, and suns in the right place on timeline on board. First team to finish wins. whiteboard, markers
11. 5 min Egange/ Study When do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at ...o’clock (point on board) whiteboard, markers
12. 15 min Activation Students stand up and practice asking each other different daily routines. Ss switch partners. monitor and correct to the whole class (not individual Ss) after.  
13. 5 min Study Students complete the clock face of each activity. Monitor and assist. Appendix 31 - Daily Routines Optional Worksheet 1 Opens an Adobe PDF in a New Window
14. 15 min Activation Pictionary!
-divide class in half
-two students out the front
-Students draw school activity (different for each students)
elicit : I ... at 5 o’clock
paper, extra pens, whiteboard, markers
15. 5 - 10 min Study (optional) Hand out "Appendix 34 - Daily Routines with on or at." Ss work in pairs. If Ss are struggling, do the activity with them and drill each line for extra speaking practice. Appendix 34 - Daily Routines with on or at Opens an Adobe PDF in a New Window