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TREC Logo ACE English Program Lesson Planner

Teacher:   Level: ACE (Low – High beginner)
Skill: Vocabulary Date: July 18, 2006
Subskills:   Topic: What do I need to bring?
Objective:   Lexis: Needs (from homework): a t-shirt, a raincoat, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, money, shoes that can get wet, a hat, first aid (plaster, painkillers), a camera, drinking water, hiking shoes
Needs (new lexis): swimming clothes
Language point(s): We’re going hiking
What do I need to bring?
You need to bring …
Anticipated problems: Utilizing University of Birmingham Ss fully
Timing—must keep the pace moving briskly for UoB activity to succeed!

  -- Homework Collects homework. “Can I have your homework, please?” “Yes, you can.” “No, you can’t.” (What?!). Surrenders homework. Homework #8 (from Ss) 2 min Ss seem more eager to work independently on their homework assignments and ask for help. Kalyanee came to me before class to ask questions and we spend 15 minutes going over some of the questions.
  -- UoB Give the UoB Ss a list of WH-Qs from previous language to ask, including what to bring. Answer any questions they might have. Reads over the handout during the class. farang feedback form -- Gave them their assignment while they were having breakfast on the TREC veranda.
  E Needs, the modal “can” (recap) Sets the scene by asking the question “What do I need?” in a familiar context. [1] (Segue this into the CBT activities.) Listens, replies, grasps the concept. classroom materials, realia [3] 5 min This was difficult and didn’t feel completely natural. I’m not a master elicitor and have grave doubts that I’ll ever list this skill on a resume.
  E Needs, the modal “can” (recap) Continue the above stage; introduce “bring.” [2] Listens, replies, grasps the concept. classroom materials 5 min  
  E Needs Repeat: “What do I need to bring?” Writes question on w/b and circles it. Draws three bubble satellites.
Elicits needs lexis using CBT flashcards of the activities from HW#8. Elicit as much from the Ss as possible. Use realia as backup.[3]
Organize the lexis into a network tree [4] on the w/b working backwards (group the lexis, then elicit the categories) Concept check as much as possible.
Responds, takes notes. CBT flashcards Realia (as many of the items as possible!) 5 min Eliciting of the actual “needs” went great. They provided lots of good answers in addition to the ones we introduced in the homework.

Used a bottle of painkillers and flashcard of a plaster in addition to an actual TREC first aid kit to elicit the “medical” concept.

One problem that arose was confusion over what the guide needs to bring versus the tourist. Ris kept adding things like “a boat” and “a lifejacket.” I tried to clear this up by asking the UoB Ss “Who has a lifejacket?” Then emphasizing that we are discussing what the TOURIST needs to bring.

  E/S Needs Clears boardwork. Close your books! Places the items in front of the Ss and drills heavily. Checks for pronunciation. Responds, repeats, commits everything to memory. Realia from above 5 min Didn’t use much realia and did very little drilling. Would have taken massive amounts of time given the variety and breadth of the lexis.
  S Needs Hands out PT1: “You need to bring” Models first one. Ss work on the task PT1: “What do I need to bring?” 5 min This activity worked well and got them more comfortable with the concept of what they need to bring.
  S Needs Corrects [5], concept checks, uses as many WH-questions as possible as review. Responds w/b, markers 5 min  
  E/S Theme Close your books! Model the dialog with a dialog flashcard for one CBT activity. [6] Have Ss listen, then repeat. Drill. Listens, repeats. dialog f/c 3 min Truncated the dialog to:
A: What do I need to bring?
B: You need to bring …
  S Theme Pick a S and have him or her sit across from teacher in front of the class. Practice the dialog [6] using the itinerary from PT1 Listens. Chairs, PT1 3 min Using the itineraries, it made sense to speak the entire dialog [6]. Kept the practice going until we’d each finished asking each other every question—decided the extra time modeling will be beneficial for inspiring them to practice.
  E/S Theme Pair Ss. Make sure their books and notes are out of sight. Have them practice speaking the dialog [6] with each other. Monitor and correct for language and pronunciation. Speaks the dialog in pairs or groups. Becomes comfortable with the new language. PT1 5 min Ss are getting much better at this type of activity. Overall, they did well.
  S CBT activities Have Ss repeat: 1, 2, 3, 4. Try and keep stronger Ss (i.e., Pet and Chanu) separate. Then count off: these become four groups. Separate the groups a sufficient distance from each other and hand each group three CBT activity flashcards and PT2 (the itinerary form.) Brainstorm in groups to decide what the tourist will need to bring for each activity. PT2, CBT flashcards, pens, paper 10 - 15 min Grouping by this method worked well. Ss did a great job brainstorming for the activities.
  S/A CBT Activities Have each group report to the class about their itinerary and what “You need to bring.” [5] Tells class about their itinerary using the language in note 5. PT2 6 min Drop this if time is running low. Don’t start the main activation any later than 9:45 (A) am or 11:30 am (B).
<Dropped this.>
  A CBT Activities, needs Picks a tourist and models the activity. Introduces self. Tells tourist what village they’re in. Describes itinerary. Asks questions.  Watch, listen, understand. PT2   Have a UoB student make photocopies of the itineraries while the modeling is in progress?
I was pleasantly surprised that the critical timing worked perfectly in both classes. The modeling also worked nicely.
  A CBT Activities, needs Break into the four groups, with two farang joining. Work in groups to give PT2, one photocopy of each PT2, blu-tac, CBT Activity f/c 15 min  
  A CBT Activities, needs Monitor as guides conduct mock CBT tour with the farang “tourists.” Don’t correct, but make sure the activities are going smoothly. Note problems and ponder solutions for next class. Meet with their “tourists” and describe the day’s itinerary. Farang note how everything went. PT2, farang assignment    
  S Homework #8 Placed OHT of the related activity in the homework.        
  E/S The modal “can” (recap) Asks Ss questions using can. “Can you give me a pen?” “Can you close you notebook?” “Can you open the window?” “Can you give me 1,000 Baht?” Replies None 3 min  
  S Homework, the modal “can” (recap) Places OHT on the whiteboard of part A of the homework. Elicits the correct answers from Ss individually. Responds. OHT of Homework p 1. 5 min  


“Can I write with this?” (hold up a puppet or something)
“No. What do I need? A pen.
That’s right. I need a pen.”

(holds up a picture. Asks “what is it?”)
“What do you need to take a picture?” A camera.
“I take a picture without a camera?”
“No, I can’t take a picture without a camera. I need a camera to take a picture.”

“Can I go hiking in these?” (holds up sandals) No.
That’s right. What do I need to go hiking?” Hiking shoes.

“What else do I need to go hiking?” Mosquito repellent, sunscreen, drinking water

“I need a pen. Can you bring me a pen?”
“I need a book. Can you bring me a book?”

[3] Realia: a t-shirt, a raincoat, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, money, shoes that can get wet, a hat, swimming clothes, first aid, a camera, drinking water, hiking shoes, a picture


Activity 1: Visit a handicraft demonstration
You need to bring: a camera, money
Activity 2: Go biking
You need to bring: sunscreen, a hat, water, first aid, mosquito repellent, shoes (Can I wear sandals?)
Activity 3: Go snorkeling
You need to bring: swimming clothes

A: What are we doing at half-past nine?
B: We will see a handicraft demonstration.
A: What do I need to bring?
B: You need to bring …

1. Hello. My name is Erik. I Will be your guide today.(Each Ss introduces him or herself.)
2. Each Ss tells the class


1. food 2. hat, sunscreen, water
3. water 4. a raincoat
5. a plaster 6. painkillers, water
7. a lifejacket 8. money

Concept check ideas. Ask Ss individually. Mix up the questions to get a mix of I, you, he, she, we, they. Check for do/does and plurals.
1. How does he feel? He’s hungry. Ask male Ss: “Are you hungry?” (yes) “What does he need?” Food.
2. [TPR] “What do I need?”
3. How does she feel? She’s thirsty. Ask female Ss: “Are you thirsty?” (yes) “What does he need?” Food.
4. What does he need?
5. Repeat: “What’s wrong?” “He has a cut.” “What does he need?”


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