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TREC Logo ACE English Program Lesson Planner

Teacher:   Level: ACE (Low – High beginner)
Skill:   Date: June 27, 2006
Subskills:   Topic: Time and Itineraries
Objective: Students will be able to:
Apply new time-telling skills to communicating itineraries
Describe several CBT activities in English
Lexis: Time: morning, afternoon, evening
Daily Routine verbs: get up, have breakfast, study English, study computers, have lunch, leave NATR, go to sleep
Itinerary: visit a fish farm, take a boat ride through the mangroves, visit a rubber farm, go hiking, make tie die, relax, go swimming, have (breakfast, lunch, dinner), go fishing, go biking, make handicrafts
Language point(s): What time do we …
What are we doing at …
How long will we … [Helen]
Anticipated problems: Pronunciation of “itinerary” and “relax”
Confusion over question forms (When do you/we? What time do you/we?)

1 A Time, recap Hands out clock models to first seven Ss. Writes digital times on w/b.
Repeat several times, handing clocks to different Ss
Sets their clock to the digital time. Practices saying the time aloud clock models, whiteboard 10 min Good recap. Ss had no problems. Model clocks worked great.
2 S Time, recap Hands out PT1: Time listening. Reads times [1] Listens, responds PT1: Time listening activity 10 min Good activity to recap previous knowledge while involving a new skill (listening). Worked well—all Ss were engaged and worked largely alone on this.
3 S Time, recap Corrects PT1 in some fun and engaging way that will make Ss happy or at least keep them awake. Stays awake PT1 5 min Used the blank clock-face overhead and had Ss draw the hands and write in digital form for each verbal time.
4 E Time Elicits morning, afternoon, evening, night via chalk talk Responds  whiteboard 3 min In the second section I did the daily routines first then used conflicting times (had “study English” and “go to sleep” both at 8:30 and went into “in the morning/afternoon/evening” distinctions. Getting to the point … this activity went well and Ss grasped it. Especially liked the cock-a-doodle-doo!
5 E Time For each time of day, asks Ss, what time is it? Get range of times.
morning 6:00 – 12:00
afternoon: 12:00 – 5:00
evening: 5:00 – 9:00
Responds   whiteboard 3 min First class had no trouble with the time ranges; second class needed a lot of coaching.
6 E/S Daily routines Models the first time. Then has Ss come to the board and fill in the times. Elicits schedule and itinerary Adds times to the chart. Says the time with in the [morning, etc.] whiteboard 5 min Asked the Ss for times they do these activities but I did the boardwork myself. Didn’t bother with schedule the second time around (why did I in the first place???). Massive trouble pronouncing “itinerary.”
7 E Time Asks Ss “What time does class start?” and “What time does class end?”
Elicits “in the morning”
Responds     Didn’t do this.
8 E Time Asks Ss “What time do you come to TREC?” and “What time do you leave TREC?”
give other examples to drill:
When do you eat breakfast/lunch/dinn?
When do you go to sleep?
Responds [time] in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon whiteboard 5 min This worked well. First class was lost as soon as I switch question form from “what time do you…?” to “What do you do at half-past eight?” even after saying “At half past eight I study English.”
8 E CBT Activities Elicits CBT lexis with flashcards. Drills by pointing repeatedly and taking cards away ala Helen. Do not write on board! Responds CBT Flashcards 10 min Broke it up into sections: Did 1 – 3, 4 – 6, and 7 – 11 in chunks as this is lexis-heavy eliciting! For some flashcards I just gave them the lexis and drilled (i.e., relax).
9 S CBT Activities Hands out PT2: Matching. Does it. PT2: CBT Activities 10 min Ss blasted through this, leaving me no other conclusion other than that it was a pedagogical failure.
10 S Daily routines Concept checks by asking Ss
1. What time do we
- learn English?
- learn computers?
- eat lunch?
2. What are we doing at
- half-past eight?
- quarter past ten?
- twelve o’clock?
Responds whiteboard 5 min I erased a time or an activity before asking the question in hopes of both modeling the gap activity while simultaneously drilling the two question forms. For example, erase 8:30 and ask “When do we study English?”
11 S Itineraries Hands out PT3: Gaps in the Itinerary. Models asking questions with a Ss “What time do we visit the fish farm?” What do we do at half-past ten?” Asks each other questions to fill in the missing activities or times in their itineraries. PT3: Gaps in the Itinerary 10 min I was taken aback by the intensity with which the Ss tackled this activity. I had to snatch up their copies of paper task 2 to keep them from simply copying answers.
12 S/A Itineraries Has each Ss stand up, introduce themselves, and talk about their itinerary to the class.       I added this stage during the lesson when it became apparent that
a. there wasn’t sufficient time for the activation
b. the existing activation has so many degrees of freedom that would probably seep chaos like soup through a fork.
13 A Itineraries Cuts number strips (four numbers per strip cut along the lines). Puts in bag. Ss reach in and pick a strip. Numbers correlate to numbers on the CBT lexis flashcards Picks a strip of four numbers. Identifies his or her four CBT activities. Number strips, plastic bag 3 min This activation was like a dream built on a loose foundation; in the end, ‘twas not to be.
14 A Itineraries Teacher models with his four numbers. Writes the four activities on the board and assigns a time to each Observes, says, “Oh, of course!” Writes his or her itinerary. whiteboard, extra paper 3 min  
15 A Itineraries After Ss finish, model reading the itinerary. Says:
Hello, my name is Erik. I’ll be your guide today.
at eight in the morning we’ll go hiking
at quarter past ten in the morning we’ll relax.
Ss take turns reading their itineraries to the class students, mouths 15 min  

1. twenty to one
2. half past one
3. ten past three
4. quarter to seven
5. quarter past nine
6. ten to ten
7. twenty-five to twelve
8. five to four
9. five past four
10. twenty-five past six


6:00 Get up
6:30 eat breakfast
7:30 go to TREC
8:30 Learn English
10:15 Learn computers
12:00 Eat lunch
4:30 Go home


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