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TREC Logo ACE English Program Lesson Planner

Teacher: Helen Harper Level: ACE (Low – High beginner)
Skill: Speaking Date: 20th May 2006
Subskills: /what/where recognition Topic: Describing professions in my village 2
Objective: Fluency using prepositions of place and correct question forms to further describe Lexis: Where? Prepositions of place: at, in, near
Places of work: the handicraft centre, the community centre, off the coast, Khuraburi, TND etc…, shrimp farm, rubber plantation, orchard, resort, office.
Language point(s): Where does he/she work?
She works at the community centre, in BTN near Kuraburi.

Where do they work? They work at the shrimp farm.

Anticipated problems: Confusion with verb forms & correct placement of prepositions of place.
Students don’t use the name TREC they use NATR.

1 Recap Professions& plurals
Housewife, accountant, farmer, builder, rubber tapper, driver, mechanic, cleaner, cook
Saleswoman, salesman, fisherwoman, fisherman, craftswoman, craftsman
TPR Drill   4  
2 Recap What does she do?
What does he do?
What do they do?
Nominate student to go out of the room.
Nominate students and assign professions.
Drill at the front of the class.
Teacher: What do they do?
S2: They’re fishermen…etc.
  5 Turned this into recap of practice activity from previous lesson: groups of four students, two villagers, one farang, one ACE expert.
Farang: What do they do?
ACE Expert: They’re fishermen.
Villagers: TPR fishermen
Continue for he/she forms.
No use of flashcards, ACE experts have to make up a profession.
3 Elicit New lexis:
Community centre, shrimp farm, rubber plantation, school, garage, handicraft centre, market,  restaurant, home, shop.
Drill new lexis Drill Big images of workplaces 5  
4 Elicit In, near Chalk talks & TPR
Have map on board with blu tacked flashcards, students shout out to me (or other student) ‘in/near/ different towns or places.
Shouting ‘in’ and ‘near’
Possibly another student placing flashcards in right place.
Big workplace flashcards. 4  
5 Elicit At I work at TREC.
They work at a rubber plantation.
Substitution drill ‘at’.   2  
6 Practice In, near, at
Where does she work?

She works at a handicraft centre in BTN

Farang: Where do they work?
Where does she work?
ACE expert: She works at the handicraft centre,
Place of work cards

At, in, near.

  This was a struggle, they needed another practice activity in pairs beforehand, then this task would work well. (same task as above).
7 Practice in near, at     Fill the gap worksheet.
8 Produce At In/ near Relay game with flashcards, take down the flashcards from the right place One at a time Smaller workplace flashcards. 5 DND
9 Present Who works at… Professions – farmer, rubber tapper, market, At the substitution drill   3  
10 Produce They work
He works
She works
 Demo task:
Pictures of professionals (he/she/they)
In pairs: Identifies craftswoman, holds it up.
Images of professionals 4 DND
11 Present Professions Recap TPR professions     4  
12 Free Practice What do they do?
Where do they work?
Demo task.
Assign students different places of work
Farang: Where do they work?
Guide: they work at a….in…near..
Villagers TPR,
Swap around.
Places of work 10 As above, worked well.
13 Free practice All information words Make sentences with your partner: four sentences in a row wins.
Class demo
In teams OHP info word grid 10  
14 Formal greetings Welcome to my village,

I’m an ACE expert and I will be your guide for today. 

Was your journey ok?

Where are you from?

What’s your name?

Do you need to use the bathroom?

Drill & practice – highlight contractions
I’m an…I’m from, my name’s…


Drill & practice
In pairs:
Farang & ACE experts
  6 This was all good dialogue and they were into it because its use was pretty obvious.
Had to explain what ACE stood for.
Told to practice for community trail tour.
15   Are you ready?

Ok, let’s go.

Can we leave our stuff here?

  In pairs farang & ACE expert.
Get Erik, Jamie & Kelly in for practice.
16 Formal greetings This is the community centre. 

Next, we will visit the rubber plantation,
the community centre.




Oral comprehension


ELLP Report (if applicable):

ELLP Chapter No:  8

How did this chapter relate to your lesson (e.g. similar language focus, lexis used, linking concepts etc.)?

Similar topic focussing on places of work

Which activities were deemed not suitable for your lesson – why not?

Conversation task: this language was too advanced for our students to read and comprehend straight away.  This lesson was aimed at building their understanding of the language and putting it together into a similar dialogue.  I also focused on 3rd person language as ACE experts will be talking about other people in their village as well as themselves.

Didn’t do associated verbs–– I think this was good for ELLP because it was linking to animal roles in the environment, but we weren’t focusing on that at this time.

Which activities did you use/adapt for your lesson?

I adapted the matching sentence exercise into a visual match up sheet.  Students practiced ‘at’, ‘in’ and ‘near’ in relation to place of work, practicing speaking and understanding rather than reading and writing sentences.

We were already using TPR to elicit & practice language, so we did it for job roles too.  In this context, students act out the roles in ‘CBT’ role plays (two villagers pretending to be craftswomen etc., one ‘farang’ (asking questions) and one ACE expert (answering). 

Were these activities effective? (If not why not – if so, why?)

Recommendations for any alterations to ELLP lesson & activities (for the purpose of ACE English)

I think the idea for linking professions and roles with animals is a great and would try to use that at a later date once we’d started to talk about animals & plants.  Unlike ELLP the ACE experts focus on a wide range of ecosystems so we’ll probably tackle that as one section of the course. I think however that we might recap professions at this time and use this linking idea to elicit the idea of animals having roles in the environment.

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